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About our DSI 

What is a "DSI"? 
The District Service Initiative, or DSI, is a service initiative that is proposed yearly by the District Service Committee, and then approved by the District Board for CNH Circle K. It is a cause that the District decides to focus on for the respective term, and this is achieved through the collaboration of service officers and members from all throughout the CNH District.

2019- 2020 Circle K DSI

CNH Circle K’s DSI for the 2019-2020 term is Focusing on Education. Although education serves as a stepping stone for many to grow and learn, there are multiple schools across the district that are underfunded and underserved. It is a common trend for students in these underserved areas to fall behind grade level due to lack of resources both at home and at school. As quality education should be accessible to all, this year’s DSI aims to enhance and improve the educational experience of all students, from K-12 and college level to special education, in order to provide them the opportunities and resources they deserve.


To be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at a time.


"Live to serve, love to serve."


"I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International,
To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership
To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people
And to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity's potential."

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