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About Circle K International

Circle K International is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide. Circle K inspires people to better our world. Its motto, the same as Kiwanis International’s, is “We Build.” Circle K provides constructive opportunities for students to become involved on their campuses and communities through service work to others in need. Circle K members have the chance to work with fellow students, children in the community, and other adults in need of special programs.
Our Tenants

Our Tenants

As the largest collegiate community service organization worldwide, Circle K International embraces three tenets that define the Circle K experience. The three tenets are as follows:


As one of the three tenets, service is the fundamental element of Circle K International. Collectively, Circle K members perform more than one million hours of service on their campuses and in their communities annually. Without service, Circle K International would be just another campus activity. Through service, college students are making the world a better place one service project at a time. Together, Circle K’ers truly make a difference in the community.


Through the mission and vision of the organization, Circle K International is dedicated to the realization of humankind’s potential. The potential of Circle K International lies in its ability to positively influence members of society who are facing ultimate personal decisions and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Leadership opportunities afford Circle K members the resources and tools needed to become active citizens. Circle K’ers can assume leadership responsibilities at all levels of the organization and through various experiential training conferences while actively contributing to the running of their respective clubs, divisions, and communities. The unique experiences offered by Circle K truly develop and bring out the leader within each individual.


If there is one thing that Circle K’ers know best, it is fellowship. Whether they are planning a car wash, visiting shut-ins, reading to three-year-olds or conducting business, Circle K members across the globe take time to meet and welcome new people. With each element and aspect of Circle K International, members experience genuine fellowship and develop life-long relationships with fellow collegians, advisors, Kiwanians and citizens in their communities. Whether a Circle K’er is mentoring a child, networking with a businessman, or bowling with members, that Circle K’er is developing social skills, meeting new people, creating meaningful friendships, and strengthening relationships.

Our Division

Welcome to

Our Division

University of Southern California Circle K is one of the eight chapters of Metro Division Circle K. Outside of the division, USC Circle K and Metro Division are a part of the California-Nevada-Hawaii (CNH) Circle K, which comprises of chapters throughout all the three states.


Metro Division of CNH Circle K

California State University, Dominguez Hills

California State University, Long Beach

California State University, Northridge

Cerritos College

El Camino College

Pierce College

University of California, Los Angeles

University of Southern California

Our District

USC Circle K and Metro Division is part of a larger organization. We are in the California- Nevada- Hawaii District. 


To be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at a time.


"Live to serve, love to serve."


"I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International,
To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership
To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people
And to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity's potential."

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