CKI Dictionary
The terminology and acronyms listed below is often used in Circle K, and we hope that this is a useful resource for our new and returning members.
CERF: Club Event Report Form
The Club Event Report Form (CERF) is a form to help the club keep track of the events within the term. You can click here to view the CERF. If you have any questions about it, feel free to contact the club secretary.
California-Nevada-Hawaii is one of the 30 districts within Circle K International that has more than 3,200 college students across California, Nevada, and Hawaii. In short, we are also called Cal-Nev-Ha or CNH.
Each year the California- Nevada-Hawai'i District of Circle K International hosts an event called District Convention. Here, clubs from all over the three states come together to celebrate the three tenets that our organization follows: Service, Leadership, and Fellowship. Members can develop themselves as student leaders and professionals through the many workshops we provide and our professional exposition, participate in our on-site service project, and network with people from all different backgrounds. We also use District Convention as a time to celebrate our achievements throughout the term and elect our future leaders. No matter what you're in the market for, District Convention can provide you with a wide range of experiences.
DFI- District Funding Initiative
There are the 3 causes that the Cal-Nev-Ha District of Circle K support through fundraising! Two of the three causes are Kiwanis Family House and Pediatric Trauma Program. The last one rotates on an annual basis and for the 2019-2020 term, we will be supporting the Trevor Project, the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.
DLT: Divisional Leadership Team
The Divisional Leadership Team (DLT) provides resources and hosts events in order to unify the district. While each term may vary in the positions, many DLTs have the following positions: Executive Assistant (EA), Fellowship Chair, Fundraising Chair, Membership Recognition and Retention Chair, Marketing and Communications Chair, Graphics Chair, Service Chair, Special Events Chair, and Divisional Secretary.
DSI: District Service Initiative
The District Service Initiative is a service initiative that is proposed yearly by the District Service Committee, and then approved by the District Board of Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K. It is a cause that the District decides to focus on for the respective term, and this is achieved through the collaboration of service officers and members from all. throughout the CNH District.
DSP: Divisional Service Project
The Divisional Service Project is a monthly service project organized by the division leadership team in order to unify the division through one of our most important tenets, service.
DCM: Divisional Council Meeting
The Divisional Council Meeting is a meeting within the division in order to hear news from the District & Division as well as see what other clubs have been up to.
Fall Training Conference is one of the largest events held by the CNH Circle K district. It is a unique opportunity to network with other members and learn more about the organization. Offering numerous activities such as team games, workshops, and campfire skits.
KFH: Kiwanis Family House
The Kiwanis Family House strives to provide housing and support to families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treated at the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA. The funds raised will go towards providing additional resources and improve the stay for these families so that they can be there to support.
LtG: Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governors are represent multiple clubs within one division. Lieutenant Governors are responsible for representing and speaking for these clubs on the district level. Lieutenant Governors are also responsible for relaying district information to club officers and club members.
MDnE: Member Development and Education
Membership Development & Education help in several aspects like member recruitment, member retention, member and club development, and much more.
MRF: Monthly Report Form
The Monthly Report Form (MRF) accumulates all records of a certain month into the respective tab, recording your club goals, reflecting on club trends, providing feedback to the District Board, and more! The MRF also records the club's total service hours, the amount of money fundraised for a particular charity, etc.
MRP: Member Recognition Program
The Membership Recognition Program (MRP) is the largest way we recognize member from all over the California-Nevada-Hawai’i district. It recognizes members who have shown dedication in our three tenets: service, leadership, and fellowship. Members are recognized at the district level during Fall Training Conference and District Convention.
MRS: Master Records Sheet
The MRS is used to help organize your club. The main job of the MRS is to keep track of your dues-paid members’ service, leadership, and fellowship hours, in addition to keeping track of Membership Recognition Program status and helping members apply for awards.
ISI: International Service Initiative
The International Service Initiative is "Focusing on the Future: Children", which aims to help children from the age of six to thirteen.
PCM: President Council Meeting
The President Council Meeting is a meeting where the Lieutenant Governor and Presidents within the division plan club events and possible interclubs. PCMs also involve discussing new methods for improving the club and any possible projects.
PTP: Pediatric Trauma Program
The Pediatric Trauma Program aims to develop local projects which will reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma. These projects include promoting community outreach, providing education materials, and assisting partner hospitals. The funds raised will go towards the end goal of preventing unintentional injury and death as well as providing safety items for children.
SLP: Service Leadership Program
Service Leadership Program (SLP) refers to the Kiwanis Family branches that focuses specifically on the development of servant leaders in the world's youth. In total, this references four branches and multiple programs within the Kiwanis Family. The four branches are K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, and Circle K International.
STC: Spring Training Conference
Spring Training Conference is an annual district event for the future leaders of CNH! At this special district event, you will have the opportunity to learn important leadership skills, meet other passionate Circle K members, and start your next turn in Circle K on a good roll! This event will consist of various workshops and panels, Divisional Council Meetings, and an exciting service project.
VPA/VPS: Vice President of Administration/ Vice President of Service
Also known as AVP/ SVP. Both positions are executive board positions and help the club run from assisting the president on their tasks as each vice president focuses on their own tasks, whether it be service or the administrative tasks.
WASH: Water, Sanitation, Hygiene
WASH is the collective term for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. WASH aims to provide education, awareness, and funding to supply clean drinking water and sanitation education to schools and children in underdeveloped regions.