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Club Hours


Service Hours: 648.50

Goals: 1000

As of January 1, 2020


1157.68 Leadership Hours 

As of January 1, 2020


35 Paid Members

3089.25 Fellowship Hours

As of January 1, 2020

Figure out what our club is all about from helping the community to finding your family.

Check out all of our cool events from service to fellowship! 

Each year CKI works with organizations to serve others. 

Have any questions? Come and be a part of our club! Join us! 


To be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at a time.


"Live to serve, love to serve."


"I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International,
To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership
To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people
And to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity's potential."

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